Selkie Counselling

Liberation for all bodies

You are not broken.

Nobody is. We all have different adaptations that we have developed to survive in the world, but it is my belief that there is not anything “wrong” with anyone. I believe that every single person, with every kind of need, could live a more fulfilling life if we weren’t bound by capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, white supremacy, ableism, homo/trans-antagonism, anti-fatness, and hyper-individualism.

I am here for liberation for all.

I am here for liberation from diet culture, body shame, white supremacist beauty standards, the gender binary, heteronormativity, patriarchy, ableism, and systems of colonialism.

I am committed to creating a world that is safer, community-oriented, and meets the needs of all people. I dream of a world in which people no longer have to contort and harm themselves to fit into the demands of oppressive systems.

I am here for liberation from all the systems that bind us, harm us, and try to make us small, docile, complacent, and hopeless - for the liberation from all systems that disconnect us from our bodies and enact violence upon us.

In my work with clients, I am committed to finding the places where it is safe enough to divest from participation it those systems, and tenderly honouring the places where we still have to operate within them.

take your pick…

individual support centered around your needs

build community with other fat folks

learn more about anti-fatness, and how to bring that into professional work

Meet Alexandra

Not a blank slate.

I am a white settler of Scottish, German, and English descent, living on on unceded lək̓ʷəŋən and W̱SÁNEĆ traditional territories in Victoria, B.C. I have my Masters of Counselling from City University, and have spent more years working and volunteering in feminist, anti-violence organizations. 

My work is rooted in supporting people to find ways to shift their lives, even within the oppressive systems we are forced to reside within. I believe it only serves the system to treat ourselves as if we don’t have agency. And, that being said, I am also deeply committed to decolonizing my own therapy practice by weaving in a healthy criticism of the field of psychology and counselling with it’s history and present-day violence and acts of colonialism.

You will break hearts, burn bridges, disappoint people on your path of liberation.​

You will disrupt perfection performances to save your sanity.

You will pulverize the coziness of comfort, sometimes without knowing when you’ll find it again.

You will become a stranger to once beloved people & institutions in order to become home to yourself.

You will be rejected. Unrecognized. Misunderstood. Judged.

You will also discover that the risk is worth it.
That your truth is more powerful than their approval.
That your light is more liberating than their expectations.

So, burn it down baby. Set your chains on fire. Ignite your limited life.

Baptize yourself in the dust. Rebirth yourself from the ashes.​

Live the life you have imagined.

-L’Erin Alta

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